Healthcare Sector

Criminal and supervisory proceedings against individuals (doctors, pharmacists, senior personnel, company employees) and companies (pharmaceutical companies, clinics, diagnostic centers, hospital operators, laboratories) in the healthcare sector remain at a consistently high level. Due to their technical complexity and possibility of far-reaching and existence-threatening consequences, these proceedings require competent and specialized support. Such proceedings often go hand in hand with claims for damages, recourse proceedings of the health insurance companies, proceedings with the Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Registered Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen) as well as disciplinary and licensing withdrawal proceedings, which require close coordination.


  • advise and defend doctors, pharmacists, medical staff, wholesalers, hospitals and hospital operators and other companies in the health care business in criminal and fine proceedings of public prosecutors and supervisory authorities, for example in cases of accusations of fraudulent billing, corruption in the health care system and illegal agreements
  • advise and defend doctors in proceedings concerning allegations of medical malpractice
  • advise and defend doctors and pharmacists in professional legal proceedings and disciplinary proceedings
  • represent and defend pharmaceutical companies and their employees, pharmacists and dealers in criminal and administrative offences under the German Medicines Act (Arzneimittelgesetz, AMG), the German Drug Advertising Act (Heilmittelwerbegesetz, HeilmWG) and the German Medical Devices Act (Medizinproduktegesetz, MPG), among others
    • in connection with allegations concerning product safety and the marketing of pharmaceutical products and medical devices
    • allegations of unauthorised marketing of harmful, deficient or unauthorised medicinal products
  • advise in the healthcare sector in the initiation of start-ups, transactions and acquisitions in order to avoid sanction risks
  • advise on organisational requirements in hospitals and doctor´s offices to avoid sanction risks
  • cooperate with law firms specialising in social and medical law and medical/pharmaceutical experts
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Krause & Kollegen Rechtsanwälte

Kurfürstendamm 190-192
10707 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 9210259-0